Skip to content
There is a hidden ‘skip to main content’ link for screen reader users. This will be read out by your screen reader as the first link on the page and allow you to skip the default navigation that is included at the top of every page and go directly to the page content or local menu. To use this functionality, you will need to enable keyboard navigation within your browser and/or operating system as applicable.
Tabs and accordion items
Our site conforms to WAI-ARIA 1.0 by using arrow keys when a tab area is in focus. Details can be found on .
The same is true for accordion items on a page. To open the accordion item, press ‘enter’ and use arrow keys to move through the items. Details can be found on
Changing font sizes
The Imperial website is designed to resize to the size of your window and display a readable text size whichever device you are using. If you find the font sizes that have been used too small you can increase the text size using your browser to zoom or alter the font size. These changes will have some layout implications for the page.